Hazardous Waste Disposal Days

Please note: Norfolk County Council will be implementing a Recycling Centre booking system from November 2024,further information on this including how to book a slot can be found on their website. (opens new window) 

You are able to dispose of certain Hazardous Waste items for free on the following dates 

DateRecycling Centre
5 and 6 October 2024, 9am-4pmNorth Norfolk Recycling Centre (opens new window)
12 and 13 October 2024, 9am-4pmThetford Recycling Centre (opens new window)
19 and 20 October 2024, 9am-4pmHempton Recycling Centre (opens new window)
26 and 27 October 2024, 9am-4pmCaister Recycling Centre (opens new window)
2 and 3 November 2024, 9am-4pmKing's Lynn Recycling Centre (opens new window)
9 and 10 November 2024, 9am-4pmDereham Recycling Centre (opens new window)
16 and 17 November 2024,  9am-4pmNorwich South Recycling Centre (opens new window)


What you can and can't bring during the Household Hazardous Waste Days


Can be disposed free of chargeCan't be disposed free of charge
AerosolsAmmunition, explosives or marine flares
Household chemicals and cleansersAsbestos
Fire extinguishersCommercial hazardous waste
Garden pesticides and fertilizersFireworks
PaintGas canisters(full or part-full)
Photographic chemicalsPetrol, diesel or any other fuels
Wood preservatives, treatments and varnishes 

Advice to householders visiting on Household Hazardous Waste Days

  1. Products for disposal should be kept in their original containers and not mixed together.
  2. Containers should be clearly labelled where possible.
  3. When transporting hazardous waste make sure it is properly sealed to avoid leakage.

For further information or if you are unsure about what can and can't be accepted, visit:Norfolk County Council website (opens new window)

Email: recycling@norfolk.gov.uk or call 0344 800 8020


Last updated: 26/09/2024 07:49:54