Chairman of the council

The Chairman of the council is elected from among the Councillors. The main duty is to preside over principal meetings of the council. The Chairman will also attend events as the council's representative.

Our current Chairman is Councillor Peter Wilkinson.

Cllr Peter Wilkinson

Further information Councillor Peter Wilkinson (opens new window).

Vice Chairman of the council

Councillor Terry Jermy is Vice Chairman of the council.

Cllr Terry Jermy Vice Chairman of Breckland Council

Further information Councillor Terry Jermy (opens new window).

Chairman's Charities

The Chairman's chosen charities this year are:

Swaffham & Litcham Home Hospice Support Ltd - The Swaffham & Litcham Hospice provides support for approximately 250 patients each year who have cancer or terminal illnesses. The Home Hospice provides support and reassurance for patients and their families, working closely with partners in the NHS. For further information, please visit their website at: (opens new window)

Sands - Sands work to save babies' lives and ensure that, when a baby does die, anyone affected gets the support and care they need at such a difficult time. For further information, please visit their website at: Sands (opens new window)


The Chairman welcomes invitations to attend community events held by local organisations and will endeavour to accept all invitations where possible. 

If you have, or you know somebody who has, a special occasion to celebrate, then contact the Chairman's Secretary to see if the Chairman would be able to attend. To celebrate the occasion, a bouquet of flowers will be presented.

Write to: Chairman's Secretary, Breckland Council, Democratic Services, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1EE

Telephone: 01362 656870

Please give as much notice as possible as the Chairman's diary is always busy.

You can also email the Chairman ( if you would like to invite him to an event.

Last updated: 02/08/2023 16:39:17