Guidance - Search and Comment on Planning Applications
Please note: we cannot take comments made anonymously into consideration. Therefore, please ensure a valid name and address is provided.
Please ensure when submitting comments on a Planning Application they are limited to the material planning considerations of the proposed scheme. No reference should be made to a third party and no information should be included that could be considered inappropriate or defamatory. You should have regard to the GDPR Regulations and ensure no information is included that would fall under the Special Category. These include:
- Race and ethnic origin
- Religious or philosophical beliefs
- Political opinions
- Trade union memberships
- Biometric data used to identify an individual
- Genetic and Health data
- Data related to sexual preferences, sex life, and/or sexual orientation
If comments are found to contain any of this information, they will be removed from the public website. However, Case Officers will still be able to view them.
Comments should therefore only address material planning considerations. Although we can receive comments on matters that are not material to the Planning Application, only material planning considerations are taken into account when determining any planning application.
Material considerations are (for example):
- Traffic and Parking
- Appearance of the area
- Impact on Conservation Area or Listed Building
- Noise and Disturbance
- Overshadowing
- Privacy
Non-material considerations might be (for example):
- Loss of private view
- Effect on property values
- Derogatory remarks about applicants or neighbours
Submitting a Petition
Objections in the form of petitions are acceptable provided that:
- Each page of the petition is headed with:
- The application reference number;
- The aim of the petition;
- Reference to petitions and the details within including names and addresses will be displayed on the public website;
- The names and address of those signing are provided and are readable;
- The objection(s)/representation(s) are material planning considerations and clearly stated;
- The name and address of the petition coordinator is included for receipt of acknowledgement and copy of decision (these will not be issued to individual signatories).
Pre-printed circular letters of objection or objection forms will be accepted, provided that they are individually signed and dated. The coordinator of such campaigns should make themselves known to the relevant Planning Officer.
Objection letters and petitions are available for the public to view online, including personal details, unless the LPA are told otherwise. Objectors/Supporters should avoid making any statements in writing that they do not wish to be made public.
Please note it is your responsibility to check the progress of a planning application, including key dates, determination date and when/if it might be heard at planning committee, by using thePlanning Application Search facility.
Officers will not respond to individual representations directly; however, material planning considerations will be summarised and addressed in the officer or Planning Committee report.
Last updated: 12/07/2024 17:27:04