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Democratic Services privacy notices

Your privacy is very important to Breckland District Council.

Breckland District Council is the Data Controller responsible for the personal information you may provide.

Our Data Protection Officer, can be contacted by phone on 01362 656870, via email:, or by writing to us at Legal Services, Breckland District Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, Norfolk. NR19 1EE.

Your rights

You have the right to access your data and correct any inaccuracies. For further details, please contact the Data Protection Officer or go to our'what are your rights?' page for a more detailed explanation.

Please also see our fullPrivacy Policy.

Council serviceDemocratic Services
Why we need your personal data
  • Public participation at meetings.
    • Minutes and details of decisions are also published on our website once available; if you ask a question, or participate in a discussion, some information about you will be included in this record.
  • Video conferencing.
    • The public meetings of the Authority will be streamed live onto social media platforms such as YouTube and/or Facebook.
  • Petitions.
    • We collect information from you for the purpose of administering the petition scheme.
      • For example, to 'sign' an e-petition, you will be asked to provide your name, postcode and email address.
  • E-condolence Book.
    • In the event where an e-condolence book has been activated and you have submitted an entry, your name will be displayed on that entry and will be shown for the period the book is live.
Why we're allowed to collect it
  • Article 6.1(c) of the General Data Protection Regulations.
  • Local Government Act 1972 (s.100).
  • Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.
  • Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009.
  • Local Government Act 2000.
How your data is used
  • Public Participation at Meetings.
    • If you speak at a meeting, your name will be recorded in the minutes, although other information such as your postal or email address will not be shared with anyone.
    • If you are in attendance at a virtual meeting as a public participant, your name and picture will be captured on the video.
  • Petitions.
    • Your name will be visible on the publically accessible petition, although other information such as your postal and email address will not be shared with anyone.
How long the information is retained
  • Written minutes: six years, following which it will be stored in an archive.
  • Video recordings of the Planning Committee: 12 months.
    • All other committees: six months.
  • Information provided to create a petition: 12 months.
  • Councillor contact details: retained for the period of their term of office, and then destroyed within six months after.

Council serviceStandards Investigations
Why we need your personal data
  • Your information will be used as evidence during the investigation of your complaint.
  • To enable the council's Monitoring Officer to assess whether the councillor has breached the relevant council's Code of Conduct.
Why we're allowed to collect it
  • Article 6.1(c) of the General Data Protection Regulations.
  • Localism Act 2011.
How your data is used
  • Investigating your complaint and making an assessment as to whether the councillor in question may have breached the Code of Conduct.
  • If there is considered to have been a breach, we will also use your information when deciding whether any sanctions should be applied and, if so, the nature of the sanction.
  • In order to investigate your complaint, we will usually share your data with:
    • The councillor that you have made your complaint against. 
    • The clerk of the parish council (if your complaint relates to a parish councillor).
    • Any witnesses to the incident (if corroborating evidence is required).
    • A person appointed by the council as an 'Independent Person' who, by law, is required to be consulted as part of the investigation.
  • In certain circumstances, we may also have to share your data with the Police.
How long the information is retained
  • Six years, at which point the information will be securely destroyed.


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Last modified on 28 January 2022