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Dog and Litter Bins

Request a dog or litter bin

Please use our online form to check the suitability of a location when requesting a new dog or litter bin. Only parish or town councils are able to request a bin.

Request a dog or litter bin online

You can alsoreport a problem with a dog or litter bin.

Guidance for the installation of litter and dog waste bins


This guidance has been produced to give useful information to interested parties before the installation of litter and dog waste bins. The guidance note helps address the issues and factors that are considered before a bin installation and if our waste contractor will be able to empty it.

Environmental Services will only consider adding new bins to the emptying schedule, if they are situated on the public highway.

Guidance for the installation of litter and dog waste bins

  • Environmental Services will only consider adding new bins to the emptying schedule if they are situated on the public highway.
  • Breckland Council does not provide free bins or funds for parish councils to buy bins.
  • Breckland Council is not responsible for cleansing of Parish owned land and are therefore unable to accept bins sited on parish land to our emptying schedules.
  • Requests for new bins on Norfolk County Council (NCC) land (opens new window) require direct contact with NCC as it issues licences for items installed on its land. Please note the licence indemnifies NCC for any incident resulting from the fixture.
  • Please get it touch with Breckland Council early on in the process using the link below to confirm the suitability of a proposed location.
  • Breckland Council and the waste contractor reserve the right to refuse to collect from a bin if it has been installed in an impractical place or at an unacceptable height or manner.

Logistics and maintenance

  • Easy and good access is essential, not only for opening the bin, but also access to the place where the bin is installed.
    • Breckland Council and the waste contractor reserve the right to refuse to collect from a bin if it has been installed in an impractical place or at an unacceptable height or manner.
  • The bins bought by parish councils need to be maintained, and any insurance remains the liability of the original purchaser.
  • Town and parish councils that purchase bins will need to indemnify Breckland Council against any maintenance, loss or accident resulting from a bin installation.
  • Upkeep and maintenance of the bins include ensuring the suitable access to the bins.
  • If relevant staff identify bins that are damaged or need replacing, they will need to notify the relevant party. Please note in the event of an immediate or serious risk to a member of the public or the operative, Breckland reserve the right to cover a bin to prevent further use and refuse to empty the bin.

Frequency of emptying

  • Bins that are installed in high footfall town centres are emptied on a daily basis. In the outlying areas of a town these collections are less frequent and should take place a minimum of once a week.
  • Bins in villages are usually emptied once a week or fortnight depending on usage.
  • Please note that bins can get mis-used, being filled with household waste or fly tipping. The parties are liable for reporting these incidents.


Breckland Council and the waste contractor reserve the right to refuse to collect from a bin if it has been installed in an impractical place or at an unacceptable height or manner.

Bin types

The most common manufacturers are:

Contact details

For any further information or clarification on this guidance, please email Environmental Services ( or telephone 01362 656870.

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Last modified on 23 February 2022