Love Your Market Town Fund

Do you have an idea for something that will support and grow your local economy, increase pride in your area, and increases footfall into the town centre?

The Love Your Market Town Fund is a scheme with an investment fund of £20,000. Your community group or business can apply for a grant of up to £2,000 to bring your ideas and initiatives to life and help generate footfall and activity into local town centres in the Breckland area.

The £20,000 investment fund has been created through matched district and county council funding and will give local community groups and businesses the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a panel and receive funding to put them into action. 

How it works:

There will be an Idea Pitch session in Breckland, where your local community group or businesses can present your idea to a panel to ask for a share of funding, either in person or virtually.

To be considered for an invitation to this session, you must submit anExpression of Interest Form (opens new window), through the Norfolk County Council website, no later than 5pm Friday 23rd August 2024. 

Are you eligible?

  • Applicants can be from any local groups/consortia, business, including Town or Parish Councils and representative bodies like the local Chamber.
  • Any activity must be a brand-new idea, (funds cannot be used to fund existing programmes) and should support multiple areas and/or services of your local town.
  • There is no limit to the kind of activities that can be funded but your idea must have a tangible link to creating interest and/or footfall in town centres.
  • Applicants must demonstrate deliverability and achievability of plans at the Idea Pitch Session, provide a written report of how they used the grant and show the impact the idea has had on the town centre.
  • Applicants will supply data to Norfolk County Council for longer-term impact evaluation.


  • Projects should be ready to start within 2 months of grant award, however, consideration will be given to events planned to be delivered in early 2025.
  • The last date for projects to be delivered and impact evaluated is 5 April 2025.
  • Match funding is not essential but will be taken into account.
  • You can ask for a grant up to £2,000, to be paid in arrears.
  • Anticipated grant cap of £2,000.
  • The investment fund is administered in partnership between Norfolk County Council (NCC) and Breckland Council.

Find out more

For further information email our partner, Norfolk County Council's Economic Development team: 

Last updated: 22/07/2024 12:07:34