Ask your Breckland Assistant - Alexa Skill

Breckland Assistant

Breckland Council has created an Alexa Skill called Breckland Council Skill. It can be used on your smart devices that are Alexa enabled.

Your Breckland Assistant has been designed as another channel to help our residents find information and keep up to date with all things relating to the Breckland area.

Your Breckland Assistant "Skill" can help you to...

  • Contact our housing team for Housing advice and information.
  • Report issues in your local area such as a faulty streetlight.
  • Find out your next bin collection day.
  • Register for Council tax and much, much more!

To access this service, you will need:

  • An Amazon account.
  • A smartphone/tablet or an Amazon Alexa device

You can enable Breckland Council Skill using the free download from Amazon (opens new window)

Breckland Council's Customer Service Centre Privacy Notice. and Terms and Conditions.

We value your feedback and suggestions as to how we can improve this service, please email


Last updated: 27/02/2024 11:51:18