Report party noise Hearing music and voices from your neighbours from time to time is to be expected in a community, particularly at times of celebration. However, if a party has caused you a significant disturbance, we would recommend that you try to resolve the problem informally by approaching your neighbour and politely explaining the issue to them. They may not be aware that their party disturbed you. If you are unable to approach your neighbour, please complete this form. Fields marked with * are required Did the noise occur for a prolonged period and/or at unsocial times? * Yes No No answer We will only investigate noise if it is excessive and unreasonable Is this a recurring issue?* Yes No No answer Please note that we are unable to investigate one-off or occasional issues Is the noise affecting you in your home or garden? * Yes No No answer Please note that we are unable to investigate complaints that don’t affect you at your property Next Page Last updated: 16/05/2024 07:09:20