Report vehicle noise Fields marked with * are required Is the noise caused by a vehicle on the road? * Yes No Yes answer Noise from vehicles on the road are investigated and enforced by Norfolk Police. It’s illegal to modify the exhaust system to make a vehicle noisier after it has been ‘type approved’. The police can also take action if a vehicle’s silencer doesn’t work in the way it was designed or if someone is driving in a way that creates too much noise. If you are able to take the registration number, make and model of the vehicle you can report it to the police using their online form Is the noise caused by vehicles entering and exiting property? * Yes No Yes answer Entering and exiting property, even at unsociable hours is not deemed as unreasonable, therefore we are not able to investigate further. If you believe a vehicle is being driven in a way that creates too much noise on the highway and you are able to take the registration number, make and model of the vehicle you can report it to the police using their online form Is the noise caused by deliveries, car revving, idling or vehicle repairs taking place on private land? * Yes No For example. In a driveway, business premises, garage, car park or someone's garden Is the noise occurring for prolonged periods and/or at unsocial times?* Yes No No answer We will only investigate noise if it is excessive and unreasonable Is this a recurring issue?* Yes No No answer Please note that we are unable to investigate one-off or occasional issues Is the noise affecting you in your home or garden? * Yes No No answer Please note that we are unable to investigate complaints that don’t affect you at your property Next Page Last updated: 16/05/2024 07:09:48