Council Tax & Benefits

Breckland Council is one of those councils and when you apply, manage or pay for your Council Tax, Housing Benefits and services you will be directed through to their website.
ARP Self Service Portal
Apply, manage or pay for council services on the Anglia Revenues Partnership site (this takes you to the ARP website)
Council Tax
Find out how to change your address, apply for reductions as well as making appeals (this takes you to the ARP website)
Council Tax FAQs
Make sense of your bill, understand where your money goes and some frequently asked questions.
How much is my Council Tax?
Details on current Council Tax charges for Breckland Council residents
Find out how to claim Housing Benefits, Council Tax Reductions on the Anglia Revenues Partnership site (this takes you to a new website)
How to set up your online account
Details on how to receive bills and maintain your Council Tax & Housing Benefit account online
Who pays Council Tax?
Information on who is required to pay Council Tax. how the money is spent and the legislation concerning this