Report a House in Multiple Occupation A house in multiple occupation (HMO) is a house or flat rented by three or more people who are not related. It can also be a building converted into flats that do not meet the requirements of safety standards. Further details and licensing requirements can be viewed under Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). Fields marked with * are required. About You Your Name* Your Email Address* Your Report Address of the property you are reporting* Please include the postcode if known Please pinpoint the location of the empty home on the map below. You can use the address bar to help locate the suspected HMO correctly Enter address or postcode (if known) to zoom in the map Please make sure you pinpoint the location of the suspected HMO on the map to ensure that we are able to find it Why do you believe this property is a house in multiple occupation (HMO)?* Please give as much detail as possible How many tenants or occupiers do you believe may be at the property? Privacy statement Your information will be used by Breckland Council for the purpose of investigating your report. We may share your personal data between our services and with partner organisations, such as Government bodies and the police. The Council may share your personal information for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection, or prosecution of criminal offences, but will not share your personal information, or use it for any other purpose, unless provided for by law. More detailed information about the Council's handling of your personal data can be found in our Housing Privacy Policy. Submit Form VLAYOUITHIDE Last updated: 06/02/2024 11:09:29