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Housing advice and information

Housing register changes

What if my circumstances change?

You must let us know if there is any change in your circumstances that may affect you application. If you have one, pleasecontact your housing officer directly. If you do not have a named housing officer, please call us on 01362 656870.

What is classed as a change of circumstances?

Examples of changes in circumstances are detailed below, although this is not an exhaustive list:

  • People joining or leaving the household.
  • Pregnancy or birth of a child.
  • A member of the household now applying in their own right.
  • Relationship breakdown.
  • Change in medical circumstances.
  • Death of a household member.

What if my contact details change?

It is very important that you can be contacted quickly. If the contact details you supplied when you registered with the scheme are no longer up to date, then you must amend them through the website's online portal when you log in. If you successfully bid for a property and cannot be contacted, you will lose the opportunity of being offered the property.

You will need toreport any changes via our online portal (opens new window).

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Last modified on 30 September 2024